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Part 15: Handbook of U.S. Colleges - 2001-09-10


Today, we tell about a book that provides much of the needed information.


The book is called “The International Student Handbook of U.S. Colleges”. It is published by the American College Entrance Examination Board. College Board officials say it is the only guide to American colleges for students from other countries.

The book has more than three-hundred pages of information. It explains the American system of higher education. It tells how to apply for college in the United States. It explains college costs, living costs and what kinds of financial aid foreign students can get. It gives information about tests that a foreign student must take, and provides dates these tests are given.

The book contains a planning calendar that starts two years before you want to begin your studies. It lists everything you must do each month to reach the goal.

Another part of the book lists more than two-thousand colleges for undergraduate studies in the United States. It lists more than one-thousand universities for graduate studies. It gives their addresses so you can write for information.

The book lists the name of each school and how many American and foreign students attend. It also lists the tests that are required, application times and student services offered. And it lists the costs for classes and housing and possible financial aid.

The College Board publishes a new guide book each September, so the information is always correct. This year, the book also includes a CD-ROM to be used with a computer. The CD provides information about more than two-thousand colleges. You can search for colleges by the programs you are interested in. For example, if you want to study electrical engineering, the CD will list all the schools that offer the program, and give you all the needed information.

The book and CD-ROM cost about twenty-six dollars. You can get them by searching the College Board computer Web site at w-w-w dot c-o-l-l-e-g-e-b-o-a-r-d dot o-r-g. Or write to The College Board, forty-five Columbus Avenue, New York, New York one-zero-zero-two-three.