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Let's Learn English - Level 1

Lesson 46: May I Borrow That?

Let’s Learn English - Level 1 - Lesson 46: May I Borrow That?
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Let’s Learn English - Level 1 - Lesson 46: May I Borrow That?

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Let's Learn English - Level 1 - Lesson 46
Let's Learn English - Level 1 - Lesson 46


Let's Learn English Lesson 46 Speaking Practice
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Let's Learn English Lesson 46 Pronunciation Practice
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Anna: Have a nice day at work Marsha!
Marsha: You too, Anna. Oh, wait. Do you have pen and paper I can borrow?
Anna: Of course.
Marsha: We are meeting at this restaurant tonight.
Anna: What is happening tonight?
Marsha: Today is my birthday. We are celebrating at 7pm tonight. Did you forget?
Anna: Sorry, Marsha! I gotta go! See you later!
Marsha: Don't forget! Tonight … 7pm!
Anna: I forgot Marsha’s birthday! And I don’t get my paycheck until next week. I know. I'll make her a gift. I’ll just have to borrow a couple of things.
Anna: Amelia, may I borrow your stapler?
Amelia: Sure. I can lend you my stapler, Anna. But please return it. It’s my favorite stapler.
Anna: You can trust me. I understand. One time, I loaned my stapler to the wrong person.
Anna: Thanks, Amelia.
Amelia: Don’t mention it. Bye, stapler!
Anna: Jonathan! Can I borrow your scissors?
Jonathan: Oh! Hi, Anna! What’re you doing?
Anna: Can I borrow your scissors? Sorry to bother you.
Jonathan: Yes, I can lend them to you, but you must return them. These scissors -- they are the sharpest scissors in the office. Watch.
Anna: Wow, those are sharp. I will be very careful.
Jonathan: Okay.
Anna: And I’ll bring them back tomorrow.
Jonathan: Good.
Anna: Thank you.
Jonathan: You're welcome.
Anna: Happy Birthday, Marsha! (gives Marsha a gift)
Marsha: Thanks, Anna! I love birthday gifts! Anna, it is … interesting. What is it?
Anna: Well, I know you love hats. And you need office supplies. So, this is your own office supply hat!
Marsha: Wow! That is a lot of office supplies!
Anna: Many people loaned or shared their supplies with me. Some people really love their office supplies. It has paper, pens, tape, erasers, rubber bands, binder clips, paper clips, and a light!
Marsha: What is the balloon for?
Anna: The balloon will help your friends find you. Let’s try it! You get a seat in the restaurant - I will find you!
Anna: Sometimes all the money in the world can’t buy the perfect gift. Until next time!

Quiz - Lesson 46: May I Borrow That?

Quiz - Lesson 46: May I Borrow That?

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Let's Learn English is a new course for English learners. Certified American English teachers designed the course for beginners. The course continues for 52 weeks.

Each week, there will be a new lesson with video showing the lives of young Americans. The lesson includes instruction in speaking, vocabulary and writing.

There are also printable worksheets, assessments and lesson plans for individual learners and English teachers. We encourage you to follow the weekly lessons and share your progress with us through comments and email.