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Let's Learn English - Level 2

Lesson 14: Made for Each Other

Let’s Learn English - Level 2 - Lesson 14: Made for Each Other
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Let’s Learn English - Level 2 - Lesson 14: Made for Each Other

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Let’s Learn English - Level 2 - Lesson 14
Let’s Learn English - Level 2 - Lesson 14


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Anna: Hello! What are you guys looking at?

Pete: I’m showing Ashley pictures of my girlfriend. We have so much in common -- even small things. She can’t whistle and I can’t either.

Ashley: (to Pete) And here’s a picture of my boyfriend. (sighs)

Ashley: My family is big and so is his. I don’t like ball sports and he doesn’t either! (sighs) We are made for each other ...

Pete: … and so are we. (sighs)

Anna: Uh… you have found perfect partners … and so have I!

Professor Bot: Pete and Ashley are talking about people they love. They are putting two ideas together with connectors.

Let’s start with these two sentences: She can’t whistle. Pete can’t whistle. How do you put them together?

Pete says, "She can’t whistle and I can’t either."

You can see we just add the conjunction “either” and take away the verb “whistle.” And Ashley says: "I don’t like ball sports and he doesn’t either!"

Keep looking for connectors!

Ashley: You met someone, Anna? That’s great! What’s his name?

Anna: His name? His name is uh… (stalling, looks around, sees a bus) Bus … ter. (stalling, looks around, sees a car) Car … ter.

Ashley: (says it like Anna did) Bus...ter Car...ter?

Anna: It’s just Buster Carter, Ashley. I like him and he likes me. We’re a great couple.

Ashley: Hey, let’s all get dinner tonight, together. You can bring Buster.

Pete: (laughing) Yeah, I can’t wait to meet him.

Anna: Thanks, Ashley, but he’s really busy tonight with his uh, (looks around, sees squirrel) squirrel collection. Bye, guys! Gotta go!

Ashley: Squirrel collection?

Pete: You know, she made all that up.

Ashley: That’s so sad. She needs to meet someone. Hey, do you know anyone who she might...

Pete: No.

Anna: (to herself) Anna, Anna, you lied! You lied! Now, they think you have a boyfriend - with a squirrel collection. Here, squirrel. (throws food) Well, you need to tell them the truth. You don’t have a boyfriend.

Man: Excuse me, is this seat taken?

(Anna shyly shakes head “no”)

Anna: Ashley, Pete, I need to talk to you. This morning, I lied.

Pete: Let me guess. There’s no Buster Carter. What a surprise!

Anna: I’m sorry. But later I really did meet someone and we have a lot in common!

He’s good at flying kites and so am I.

He likes to read comics and so do I.

I can play the ukulele and so can he.

Ashley: He sounds perfect for you, Anna. Can he come tonight?

Anna: That’s the sad part. You see, he just got a job as a spy, and tonight he leaves on assignment.

Pete: Of course he does.

Anna: But that's okay, because now I know that there is someone out there made for me. (looks at the time) Oh, it’s late! I have to see him off at the train station. Bye, you guys!

Ashley: Bye Anna! Oh dear, she’s worse than we thought.

Pete: She’s lost her mind.

Ashley: What should we do?

Pete: (happy, excited) Let’s tell her!

(Pete goes to leave but Ashley pulls him back.)

Ashley: No, Pete. Mr. Right may not be real but he makes her really happy.

Professor Bot: Did you find any other connectors? Notice how the words are in a different order in the part after “so.” "I am" becomes "am I" and "he can" becomes "can he."
"He’s good at flying kites and so am I. I can play the ukulele and so can he."

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Let's Learn English - Level 2 is a new course for English learners. Certified American English teachers designed the course for intermediate learners.

Each week, there will be a new lesson with a video showing the lives of young Americans. The lesson includes instruction in speaking, vocabulary, and writing.