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Let's Learn English - Level 2

Lesson 23: Rock Star

Let’s Learn English - Level 2 - Lesson 23: Rock Star
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Let’s Learn English - Level 2 - Lesson 23: Rock Star

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Let’s Learn English - Level 2 - Lesson 23
Let’s Learn English - Level 2 - Lesson 23


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Anna: Hello?

Ms. Weaver: Anna, this is Ms. Weaver.

Anna: Ms. Weaver!

Ms. Weaver: Tomorrow, you’ll be interviewing musician Emma G.

(Anna is very excited. She loves Emma G’s music.)

Anna: Emma G?! I will be talking to Emma G?!

Ms. Weaver: Anna? Anna, are you there?

Professor Bot: Anna and Ms. Weaver used the future continuous verb tense to talk about the interview.

Prof. Bot: We use future continuous to talk about actions that will be in progress at or around a time in the future.

Prof. Bot: For example, Ms. Weaver says, “Tomorrow, you’ll be interviewing musician Emma G.”

Prof. Bot: There are two options for future continuous. The first is: will be + the -ing form of the verb

Prof. Bot: And the second is: be + going to be + the -ing form of the verb. Keep watching for more!

Anna: Hello and welcome to The Music! Today, musician Emma G will be joining us here!

Anna: She is a wonderful songwriter and an amazing singer. And I love her! Let’s give a warm welcome to Emma G!

Anna: Hi. Thank you for coming on the show, Emma G.

Emma G: Of course. It’s great to be here.

Anna: Well, we can’t wait to hear you sing. I listen to your music a lot. So, I feel like I know you. Is that strange?

Emma G: Anna, listening to music can be a very personal experience. So, no, that’s not strange.

Anna: Good because I made something for you -- a video scrapbook of our friendship.

Anna: I took photos of you and added myself. I worked on it all weekend.

Emma G: Well, that -- that’s strange. Is that even -- is that even legal?

Anna: Now, Emma, let’s talk about your schedule. Tell me ... I mean, tell us exactly where you will be and when. Exactly.

Emma G: Sure. Well, in early June, I’ll be performing at several venues across Austin, Texas.

Anna: That’s my vacation week. I can meet you there! We can tour the city. We can have lunch.

Emma G: Um, yeah maybe. Then in mid-July, I’m going to be teaching at a music camp in Chicago.

Anna: I’ll be visiting my sister then. She only lives about six hours from Chicago! I could drive over. We could hang out.

Emma G: Yeah, uh maybe. You know, maybe now is a good time for some music.

Anna: That’s a great idea. Now, let's hear a song from Emma G.!

Emma G: I wrote this song a couple of years ago. It’s called “Wary.”

Emma G: Do you believe in happy endings?

Anna: Endings...

Emma G: Do you really believe that we could be…

Anna: Be...

Emma G: I think something is wrong. I hear a voice in the background.

Anna: Sorry. Sorry, Emma. That was me. I’m just so excited.

Emma G: No problem. I'm glad you like the song.

Anna: You go ahead. You go ahead.

Emma G: Okay. Do you believe in happy endings?

(She hears a tambourine playing and looks at Anna.)

Emma G: Anna, there’s no tambourine in this.

Anna: I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, Emma. See, I’ve always wanted to sing with you.

Emma G: Well, come on over then and we can sing a song together first.

Anna: No, I couldn't.

Emma G: Come on. It’ll be fun.

Anna: Okay! Here. I brought my favorite song.

Emma G: Oh, uh okay. Actually, I like this song. Um, are you ready?

Anna: Yes! Yes!

Emma G: Okay.

Emma G / Anna together:

Every breath you take*
Every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I'll be watching you

I’ll be watching you...
I’ll be watching you...

*From "Every Breath You Take" by The Police

Music by Emma G

And now, here's a song by Emma G called "Just Drive." Click here to read the words. This song is not part of the lesson but just a little something for you to enjoy!

"Just Drive" - Emma G
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Quiz - Lesson 23: Rock Star

Quiz - Lesson 23: Rock Star

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Let's Learn English - Level 2 is a new course for English learners. Certified American English teachers designed the course for intermediate learners.

Each week, there will be a new lesson with a video showing the lives of young Americans. The lesson includes instruction in speaking, vocabulary, and writing.