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Let's Teach English

Unit 6: Group Projects

Let's Teach English Unit 6: Group Projects
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Welcome to Let's Teach English. This series offers free online training for English language educators worldwide. Voice of America and the University of Oregon are partners on this project.


In this lesson, the students are given a group project assignment and then present their work. They have two choices: open a restaurant or eat at a restaurant. Each member has a role to play. This helps guarantee that everyone contributes equally to group work.

For this assignment, the students must also read their instructions independently of the teacher. This strategy can give learners confidence in their ability to use English outside of the classroom.

Teacher Preparation Video Transcript

This episode shows a model of teaching through group projects. Click on the image below to download a pdf of the transcript.

Let's Teach English Unit 6: Group Projects
Let's Teach English Unit 6: Group Projects

Women Teaching Women English Text

Click on the image below to download a pdf of the student text and teacher manual. At the end of the ten-unit course, the whole book will be available for download.​

WTWE Student Text Unit 6 - In a Restaurant.
WTWE Student Text Unit 6 - In a Restaurant.

Women Teaching Women English Listening

These audio files go with Unit 6 of Women Teaching Women English. Click on the "Direct Link" button to the right of the player to download them.

Conversation: In a Restaurant

Women Teaching Women English Unit 6: In a Restaurant
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Reading: Celebrating a New Year

Women Teaching Women English Unit 6 Reading: Celebrating a New Year
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The Let’s Teach English video series offers free online training for English language educators worldwide. It is based on the Women Teaching Women English text for adult, beginning level learners. Voice of America and the University of Oregon are partners on this project. The course includes:

  1. An introductory segment which summarizes the main topics of second language teaching and shows classroom examples of the topics.
  2. Ten 5-minute video episodes based on the units of Women Teaching Women English. Each of these episodes provides a model of communicative language teaching through simulated language classroom interaction.
  3. Updated digital downloads of the Women Teaching Women English student book, teacher’s manual, and audio files.