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Man, 30, China: Plans to propose to his girlfriend with pictures

Although this festival is from westen countries, it's became more and more popular than before, especially for young men and women. They would like to send flowers to their love, and flower prices will be higher in these recent days, the same with restaurants. But it can't ward off the enthusiasm in us.

I plan to propose to my girlfriend, and I have a nice way to express my love. I have prepared the flowers and the ring. Also there's the most important thing I have prepared, and that's pictures which I designed and drew by myself. The pictures show the whole process of our love. On this Valentine's Day I will book a restaurant and invite her good friends and my friends. I will be late for the dinner, then I will just stand in the front of the restaurant where they can see me, and I will show all the pictures, one by one, and then give her the flowers and propose to her.

Best wishes to me.

UPDATE (February 20): We wrote back to this man to ask about the date. He said it went well. The restaurant played the romantic music he had prepared, and he and his friends showed the pictures they had drawn. The best part? He said he was "very excited" that his girlfriend promised "to live with me forever."

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