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English Teachers and Around the World!

English Teachers and Around the World!
English Teachers and Around the World!

Welcome to VOA’s EFL Classroom! Whether you are teaching English or learning English as a foreign language, VOA’s Classroom will guide you in your journey through the English language. Click here for this weeks English lesson.

Or download MP3 (Right-click or option-click and save link)

Teachers and students around the world!

Welcome to VOA’s Classroom! Whether you are teaching English or learning English as a foreign language, VOA’s Classroom will guide you in your journey through the English language.

Our primary objective is to take all your language needs into consideration, so each complete lesson plan incorporates activities, lessons and exercises that are tailored to specific goals. The lessons show a progression in skill level starting with beginner, intermediate or advanced levels. In the future, the downloadable lesson plans will be complemented by video, audio and additional activities.

We need to hear from you!

This is a global classroom so we need your suggestions on what topics you would like to see in “The Classroom.”

Join us on Facebook @ VOA Learning English

Our VOA teachers are always on Facebook so you can chat with us at any time!

Thanks and enjoy the Classroom!