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VOA English Newscast - 1900 UTC October 1, 2015

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov addresses the media during the United Nations General Assembly at the United Nations in Manhattan, New York, Oct. 1, 2015. (REUTERS/Andrew Kelly)
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov addresses the media during the United Nations General Assembly at the United Nations in Manhattan, New York, Oct. 1, 2015. (REUTERS/Andrew Kelly)
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From Washington, this is VOA News.

I’m Marti Johnson reporting.

The United States and Russia called an emergency teleconference today (Thursday) in an effort to avoid military encounters in the air over Syria.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov sought to soften disagreements with the U.S. over the air campaign, saying Moscow sees eye-to-eye with the U.S.-led coalition against the Islamic State when it comes to identifying terrorists.

At a news conference today, Mr. Lavrov said the U.S. coalition says its targets are Islamic State militants, the al-Qaida affiliated al-Nusra group and other terrorists. Lavrov said this is basically our position as well, as he spoke at the United Nations.

Meantime, Russian jets staged a second day of airstrikes over Syria. Observers say the targets were not only Islamic State extremists, but also moderate opposition fighters backed by the United States.

Afghan officials say its forces have recaptured parts of the northern city of Kunduz from Taliban fighters after what they say has been heavy fighting.

An Interior Ministry spokesman said that Afghan forces launched an offensive overnight and that it was "very successful."

Meantime, a fresh wave of violence in the capital of the Central African Republic has killed at least 36 people and put the upcoming elections in doubt.

This report from Bamako.

The fighting was triggered by the killing of a motorcycle-taxi driver in Bangui's mostly Muslim neighborhood of PK5. Muslims sought revenge against Christians in other neighborhoods.

International Crisis Group analyst Thibaud Lesueur…

“It shows that intercommunal tensions are still very strong here, and not only in the center of the country, but also in the capital.”

With more than 360,000 people displaced within the C.A.R. polls will be a logistical challenge.

That was Katarina Hoije, reporting from Bamako.

This is VOA!


Words in This Newscast

teleconference – n. a meeting or conference by telephone

encounters – n. meetings that are not planned or expected

affiliated – adj. allied; linked to another, usually in a dependent position

basically – adv. in a general way

meantime – adv. at the same time

doubt - n. a feeling of being unsure of something

triggered - v. causing something to happen

revenge – n. the act of doing something to answer another action

intercommunal – adj. between or among communities

logistical – adj. related to planning and organization

challenge – n. a test, problem or issue

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