I want to tell you a story about my first love and its consequence. When I studied in high school, I met a beautiful, strong guy who took a great interest in chemistry. I liked him and went in this field of science, too. After about a year, I learned this subject very seriously because I wanted to be liked by him and to pass the time with my love. After two to three months, he suggested to be with him and I of course agreed.
We were together about two weeks. In the end of our love story he told me that he couldn’t be in love with one woman, that he was a “womanizer.” But my feelings were stronger than my pride and I continued to meet with him. I abased myself. I don’t want to tell you all the details of this situation, but I think that ALL guys need only intimacy and sex. My love was trampled under his foot. Now in my soul there is big, big hole.
I tried to build a new relationship with other guys, but it was unsuccessful. I don’t feel the feelings that I felt in this period of time. So my problem: I am disappointed in love and guys.