Review of Lessons 1 - 5

Congratulations! You are learning English with Let's Learn English! We hope you are having fun and learning to speak and listen well in English. Try to review the lessons often, and you will remember the new words better.

Listening Quiz

Take this quiz to review the lessons from 1 to 5.

Lesson Review

Here are the lessons and learning points. Write to us in the Comments section to let us know which you like best.

Lesson 1: Welcome! (Meeting People)

  • Verb BE + name in introductions
  • BE + location
  • Meeting people
  • Personal information
  • Learning the Alphabet
  • Learning the Numbers 1-20
  • Pronouncing linked sounds

Lesson 2: Hello! I'm Anna! (Introductions)

  • BE + noun; BE + location
  • Subject pronouns: I, you, he, she, we, they
  • Welcoming & Leave-taking
  • Spelling names aloud
  • Contractions with the verb "be"
  • Saying your address

Lesson 3: I'm Here! (Apologizing and Phone Conversation)

  • Numbers in Addresses & Phone numbers
  • Place pronouns: here, there
  • Calling someone on the phone
  • Polite telephone expressions

Lesson 4: What Is It? (Everyday Things)

  • Greeting people
  • To Have + Object
  • To Not Have + Object
  • To Be + Object
  • Saying quickly "and" as "n"

Lesson 5: Where Are You? (Rooms in a House)

  • To Be + Location
  • Asking about locations
  • Listening for information about people’s locations
  • Naming places and activities

What do you think?

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Thank you for coming to learn English with us!