Trending Today: #2015in5words



The American comedy program @midnight asked people on its Thursday evening show to describe 2015 in five words.

By Friday morning, the hashtag #2015in5words was trending in the U.S. on Twitter and Facebook. Many on Twitter turned to the release of the new Star Wars movie for inspiration.

Twitter user Eric Cortes tweeted: “Star Wars made it better.”

And Twitter user Tony Posniaski tweeted about his 2015: “Waited forever for Star Wars.”

Of course, others on Twitter remembered different 2015 events. Many tweets contained the famous song line from Adele’s newest album: “Hello from the other side.”

Hutch Harris posted the song line along with a photo of a raccoon behind a glass door. The post has been retweeted over 1,000 times.

Some remembered the viral “Black or Gold?” dress debate of 2015.

Many responses centered on the rise of Donald Trump as a presidential candidate.

Others remembered more serious events of 2015, such as mass shootings and other violence in the United States.

Twitter user @RiepTide1999 wrote: Guns. Same troubles, different towns.”

​But, Twitter user @JordanJDaley may have summed up 2015 best: Where did the year go?

And that's What's Trending Today.

How would you describe your 2015 in 5 words? Leave us a comment!


Words in This Story

viral - adj. related to an image, video, advertisement, etc., that is circulated rapidly on the Internet

sum up - phrasal verb. to tell information using fewer words