VOA English Newscast: 2100 UTC November 4, 2015

CORRECTION Mideast Egypt Russian Plane Crash

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VOA English Newscast 2100 UTC November 4, 2015

From Washington, this is VOA News.

I’m Dave DeForest reporting.

Questions remain about the cause of last weekend’s plane crash in Egypt. Britain said Wednesday it is increasingly concerned that a bomb brought down the Russian jetliner that crashed last Saturday over the Sinai Peninsula. British authorities dispatched a team of aviation experts to assess security before British flights are allowed to leave the region.

Meanwhile, the Islamic State renewed its claims to have brought down the plane, challenging skeptics to prove otherwise.

Authorities say they have not found any evidence of a missile attack

Assistant Secretaries of State Anne Patterson and Victoria Nuland have told a Congressional panel that 85 to 90 percent of Russian airstrikes in Syria have hit moderate Syrian rebels, not Islamic State targets. The two testified Wednesday before the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou will hold talks with Chinese leader Xi Jinping in Singapore this Saturday. Bill Ide reports.

China says the talks will be a major, historic milestone in the development of cross-Strait ties. According to an official statement read on state media, China says that during the talks, the two cross-Strait leaders will exchange views on promoting the peaceful development of cross Taiwan Strait relations and deepening ties.

Taiwan opposition politicians are already voicing concern about the closed door talks. And protesters have begun to rally in the capital of Taipei. Bill Ide, Beijing.

A U.S. defense official says Defense Secretary Ash Carter and his Malaysian counterpart, Hisham-muddin Hussein, will board a U.S. warship sailing in the South China Sea Thursday. The two will board the U.S. aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt as it sails in the South China Sea off the coast of Malaysia.

This is VOA News.

Words in This News

jetliner – n. a large jet airplane

authorities – n. officials

dispatch(ed) – v. to send

aviation – adj. related to or involving the business of flying airplanes or helicopters

assess – v. to make a judgment about something

allow(ed) – v. to let or permit

region – n. an area

renew(ed) – v. to make new or begin again

challenging – v. to question or dispute something

skeptic(s) – n. an individual who questions claims or statements

otherwise – adv. in a different way

panel – n. a committee or group

testify – v. to give evidence in court or to government representatives

milestone – n. an important point in the development of something

view(s) – n. ideas or opinions

promoting – v. in support of; to help or assist

rally – v. to gather or come together for a purpose

counterpart – n. someone with the same or similar job or position

board – v. to get on or enter

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