VOA English Newscast: 2200 January 8, 2016

A T-shirt showing a picture of the notorious Mexican drug dealer Joaquin Guzman.

A T-shirt showing a picture of the notorious Mexican drug dealer Joaquin Guzman.

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VOA English Newscast: 2200 January 8, 2016

From Washington, this is VOA News.

I’m David Byrd reporting.

Mexican authorities have captured the notorious drug cartel kingpin known as “el Chapo.”

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto announced Joaquin Guzman's recapture in a brief announcement in Spanish on Twitter Friday.

Guzman was arrested after a shootout with Mexican marines in Sinaloa, his home state.

The leader of the Sinaloa cartel escaped from a maximum security prison in July by using a 1.5-kilometer-long underground tunnel, dug in secret from his cell to a nearby village.

The escape was a major embarrassment for President Pena Nieto, who had been praised for his administration's aggressive push against Mexico's top drug lords.

U.S. officials have arrested two refugees from Iraq on terrorism charges, but it does not appear that the men were planning any attacks in the United States.

At the White House, spokesman Josh Earnest said the arrests show how the U.S. government is working to fight terrorism.

"This case, these cases in particular are good examples of how the Department of Homeland Security, the Intel community, law enforcement, and other national security agencies work effectively together to keep us safe."

Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab was arrested Thursday in Sacramento, California. He was charged with making false statements involving international terrorism.

Omar Faraj Saeed Al-Hardan, 24, was arrested in Houston, Texas. He is accused of attempting to provide material support, including "training, and expert advice and assistance" to the Islamic State group.

Both men were Palestinians from Iraq who have been in the U.S. for several years.

This is VOA News


Words in this Newscast

notorious –adj. well known or famous, especially for something bad

cartel –n. a group of businesses that agree to fix prices to make more money

kingpin –n. a person who generally controls an organization or activity

maximum –adj. the most, the highest level