Editor's Note: To find the correct answers for this news quiz, you can follow the hyperlink to each story or see the answer key at the end of the quiz. Tell us how you did.

1. How are the winners of the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program lottery informed of their status?
- The State Department employees call each winning applicant.
- A postcard is sent to all applicants with their status on October 1.
- Emails are produced to inform the winners of their good luck.
- Applicants have to check online to see the list of winners.
You can find the correct answer in US 'Green Card' Lottery Registration Begins

2. According to health authorities, why was there a lack of concern about the first US Ebola patient’s air travel from Liberia?
- The patient was not showing symptoms at the time of the flights.
- The other passengers were not in physical contact with the patient.
- The authorities have given medicine to the other passengers.
- The patient was wearing a mask to prevent infection.
You can find the correct answer in First Ebola Case Reported in U.S.
3. How did a large number of students in Hong Kong celebrate China’s National Day?
- They occupied government buildings.
- They held meetings in their universities.
- They watched parades and sang the national anthem.
- They continued requesting that the government change.
You can find the correct answer here:Protesters Call for Hong Kong Chief to Resign
4. What do Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga have in common, aside from being accomplished singers?
- They are the youngest and oldest performers, respectively, on the Top 100 song chart this week.
- They have produced an album together that is at the top of the Top 200 albums chart.
- They are appearing with Barbara Streisand in an upcoming television special.
- They are the opening act for a tour by singer Kenny Chesney.
You can find the correct answer in Tony Bennett, Lady Gaga 'Cheek to Cheek'
5. Why was former President Jimmy Carter honored this week?
- He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
- He supported the eradication of Guinea Worm disease.
- He has lived longer than any other president has after leaving office
- It was his 90th birthday on October 1. The above are also true.
You can find the correct answer in Former US President Jimmy Carter Turns 90
6. How does the story, “Manassas Ends Hope for a Short War” describe the Union troops who came to Manassas?
- They were hungry and tired from fighting in the North.
- They proceeded with great speed toward the battle.
- They were untrained, hot, and thirsty but a larger force.
- They had been well trained by General Joe Johnston.
You can find the correct answer in Manassas Ends Hope for a Short War
1-d; 2-a; 3-d ; 4-b ; 5-d; 6-c.