VOA60 Elections
CBS News says the Mitt Romney campaign has released a new television commercial. In the ad, a narrator lays out three moves Romney is going to make his first day as president: announce deficit reductions, repeal job-killing regulations, and demand that China play by international trade rules. The Washington Post reports that Romney holds significant advantages over President Obama among white voters who are struggling financially, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. Asked which candidate would do more to advance their families economic interests, struggling middle-class white voters chose Romney over Obama by a large margin — 58 percent to 32 percent. President Obama is campaigning in Des Moines, Iowa, a state both sides view as key to winning the presidency. The Des Moines Register reports Obama repeatedly lashed out at Romney, saying the economic policies he’s proposing are “the very policies that got us into this mess.” That is all for today. See you next time.